Quantity of brick, mortar, Cement, Sand Calculator
I know when you do the task to calculate the quantity of Brick Work for your client, its required perfect quantity without any error. If you go wrong you can be embarrassed but don’t take pressure you will get a solution in Civil Experience
If calculation is done manually and chances of error in the calculation are very high because of the tedious method in estimation work. I am sure you agree with me?
So here I provide an excel sheet by which you can easily find out the quantity of cement, sand, and numbers of brick required in the brick wall in just 4 steps and less than 1 minit
Enter your data in the Grey Color field only to calculate sand and cement for brickwork
Step 1: Enter the Size of the Wall which you want to build
Step 2: Enter the Size of Brick that you used in the brickwork
Step 3: Exter Mortar width which you use in brickwork
Step 4: Enter Mortar ratio and WOW you got your all answer
Read More about this product: https://www.civilexperiences.com/calculate-quantity-of-cement-mortar-in-brickwork-excel/
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I never really considered this angle before reading your post; it’s thought-provoking.